Muay Thai Culture 10/11/23

Interview with The Punisher Sakasem Kanthawong and highlights on the best clicks, tips and tricks!

Thai Talk: The Punisher Sakasem Kanthawong

Kru Juice on the essentials of the law of facilitation:

For anyone starting their journey in Muay Thai, understanding the significance of the Law of Facilitation can be a game-changer. This neurophysiological principle, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in a beginner's progression and mastery of the "Art of Eight Limbs." Let's delve into why this law is essential and how it influences a beginner's journey in Muay Thai.

Grasping the Basics of the Law of Facilitation 

According to the Law of Facilitation, when a movement is repeated, the neural pathway responsible for that movement grows stronger and more defined. Consider it like making a trail: the more you walk on it, the more visible and passable it becomes.

Or when you were a child, sledding down the hill: the first time you slid down, it was rough, you could barely reach even halfway down the hill. However, once you and your friends had gone down several dozen times you were like greased lightening!

This means that the more a beginning practices a technique, the more instinctive and fluid that technique becomes. However, there is a catch: whether the movement is performed correctly or improperly, the pathway will strengthen.

Culture highlight:

We cannot vouch for the YouTube channels these films are derived from; however, this footage is fascinating for its history and depiction of Muay Boran and early Muay Thai training.

Muay Fit:

Ajarn Dave (A founding member of Living Muay Thai) training with Jo Nattuwat? Yes sir!

Jo Nattawut (born October 7, 1989), also known as Smokin' Jo, is a Thai Muay Thai kickboxer. He is a 5-time Lion Fight super welterweight champion and 1-time Lion Fight middleweight champion, as well as the former WMC Super Lightweight champion. He currently competes in ONE Championship for ONE Super Series.

To your Health:

Dr. Neal Barnard on cheese!

Neal Barnard, M.D. is a physician, clinical researcher, author, a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

As president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. His research contributed to the acceptance of plant-based diets in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In 2015, he was named a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. In 2016, he founded the Barnard Medical Center in Washington, D.C., as a model for making nutrition a routine part of all medical care.

Working with the Medical Society of the District of Columbia and the American Medical Association, Dr. Barnard has authored key resolutions, now part of AMA policy, calling for a new focus on prevention and nutrition in federal policies and in medical practice. In 2018, he received the Medical Society of the District of Columbia’s Distinguished Service Award. He has hosted four PBS television programs on nutrition and health.

Dr. Barnard works with patients with diabetes, obesity, and other chronic conditions in clinical research studies, aiming to improve the prevention and treatment of these health problems.


One Championship went hard, had and continues to have one of the best cards from around the world!

Nov 11th

The Pittsburgh Shrine Center

1877 Shriners Way

Cheswick, PA 15024

Please send me your amateur Muay Thai Kickboxing roster with Name, Age, Fight Weight & Records ASAP

Living Muay Thai Summit


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